Your one stop shop for custom clothing

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About Us

We Are Wayfinder's Apparel

  • High Quality
  • Custom Clothing
  • Made To Fit

Welcome to Wayfinders Apparel, your trusted partner for custom-designed clothing for your business, organization, or special occasion. Our priority & focus is custom apparel & promotional items, and presenting you with the best options possible to suit your tailored needs.


Tee Shirts

Wayfinders Apparel offers custom tees for self-expression. Whether you're a business, event organizer, or individual, our tees let you showcase your creativity with unique designs that make a statement.


At Wayfinders Apparel, we offer a diverse range of hats that combine style, comfort, and customization. Our hats are the perfect accessory to top off your outfit and make a statement wherever you go. Whether you're looking for branded merchandise, team uniforms, or personalized gifts, our customizable hats are designed to meet your specific needs.


At Wayfinders Apparel, we understand the importance of staying comfortable while expressing yourself. That's why we offer a range of custom jackets that are designed to not only look great but also keep you warm and cozy in any weather.


In addition to custom apparel, we offer custom promotional items to help market your business or special event. If you are in need of branded pens, notepads, custom letterhead or more - we at Wayfinders can supply it to you.

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Austin Farmer

Ceo & Founder

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Saul Goodman


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Walter White

T-Shirt Crafter



Batavia, OH 45103

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